In line with the third research pillar of the LEAP project, which focuses on the political aspect of the European integration, the third LEAP workshop was organised by Eskisehir Osmangazi University between 15-16 October 2022 at the OGU campus in Eskisehir. The Workshop was titled, “Contesting Europe at the Periphery”, and it brought scholars and students working on Euroscepticism, which also served to assess presented papers for the forthcoming special issue. The Keynote Speech of the workshop titled, “How Emergent National Eurosceptic Movements Benchmark Against Other Countries” was delivered by Prof. Simon Usherwood (Open University, United Kingdom).
In line with the third research pillar of the LEAP project, which focuses on the political aspect of the European integration, the third LEAP workshop was organised by Eskisehir Osmangazi University between 15-16 October 2022 at the OGU campus in Eskisehir. The Workshop was titled, “Contesting Europe at the Periphery”, and it brought scholars and students working on Euroscepticism, which also served to assess presented papers for the forthcoming special issue. The Keynote Speech of the workshop titled, “How Emergent National Eurosceptic Movements Benchmark Against Other Countries” was delivered by Prof. Simon Usherwood (Open University, United Kingdom).
You can download the event programme from here.