D2: LEAP Project Database

A professionally developed project database launched at a very early stage of the project which have given access to the outputs and the results of the research and events that are taking place within the framework of the LEAP project. The main aim of the project database is to answer to the information needs of the academic and epistemic community beyond the partners of the project and to contribute to the transparency and accessibility of the knowledge generated by the LEAP project.

The first goal of dissemination and exploitation is to spread projects' results. The second goal is to contribute to the implementation and shaping of national and European policies and systems. Beneficiaries should develop their own way of achieving this goal.
- Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2020

Online database which serves the necessary information within LEAP Project Framework.
Çağrı Gezenler
Dissemination & Visibility Coordinator

P2: Eskisehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU)

Project Partners


Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

