Dragoș Ionită


Dragoș Ioniță is a PhD candidate and junior researcher in the Department of International Relations and European Studies of National University of Political Science and Public Administration (SNSPA). His main field of interest is the process of Europeanization of the Western Balkans as part of the EU enlargement process of the countries in the region. In the last years, he obtained his Bachelor thesis in Political Science (2015), with a thesis on Serbia’s EU accession process, later completing his Master’s programme in the field of International Relations (specialisation Diplomacy and Negotiation), with a thesis on the Balkan Route of Migration (2017). He has published several articles focused on the EU enlargement in the Western Balkans. As member of the Department’s Centre for European Studies, he was actively involved in co-organizing several events and conferences on the EU enlargement process in the Western Balkans and is currently part of the OpenEUDebate research academic network, that aims to bring EU policies closer to the general public, being in charge of conducting research on the enlargement policy of the European Union as a mean for the Europeanisation process of the Western Balkans region. In the LEAP, he will work as a researcher and carry out the focus group meetings and semi-structured interviews in Romania.


  • Book review: Niall Mulchinock, NATO and the Western Balkans. From Neutral Spectator to Proactive Peacemaker, London: Palgrave MacMillan 2017, in Europolity - Continuity and Change in European Governance, Vol. 12, no. 2, 2018, Centre for European Studies; available at: http://europolity.eu/wpcontent/uploads/2018/12/VOL-12-NO2_Ionita_Europolity.pdf
  • "Between Domestic Politics and International Law. Assessing Romania’s Non-Recognition Policy of Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence" (co-authored with Miruna Troncotă) in Dušan Proroković (ed.), Kosovo: Sui Generis or Precedent in International Relations, Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, 2018, pp. 208-238, ISBN 978-86-7067-249-9; available at: http://www.diplomacy.bg.ac.rs/pdf/knjige/2018_Kosovo_Dusan_Prorokovic.pdf
  • "Serbia's EU Path: Beyond the Complexity of an Institutional Process", Europolity - Continuity and Change in European Governance (Centre for European Studies), vol. 9, no. 2 – 2015, available at: http://europolity.eu/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Vol.-9.-No.-2.-2015_47-81.pdf
You can download the CV from here.

Project Partners


Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

